The school has a Boarding Department mainly for the benefit of the students from outside the city. Admissions are granted in March & April of every academic year for classes from Std I to Std VIII based on the performance of the students in and Entrance Test and Interview Registrations should be done wellin advance and the Directory/Warden can be contacted in person or on telephone No. 0891-2560134.


• Navy blue Shorts for Primary Section. Navy blue Trousers for High School

• Navy blue stripes Shirts - Half sleeves. (tuck in)

• Black shoes, Navy blue socks and school belt.

• Daily : School Tie and Belt

• Wednesday: White Shorts/Trousers/ House colour T-Shirts, (New) White tennis shoes – white socks. Saturday: Civil dress - Formals – Trousers and Shirts with collar and sleeves.


Admission will be made after Registration into all classes depending on vacancies and will be based on Transfer Certificates from recognized English Medium Schools and on the results of an Entrance Test. The Registration does not guarantee admission but entitles the student to appear for an Entrance Test based on a "General Standard' of the class immediately proceeding that to which admission is sought in English, Maths and Second Language - (Hindi/Telugu) and will be followed by a short interview

The following points may be kept in mind

1. Candidates seeking admission should be accompanied by a responsible person - person - Parent / Guardian to submit correct details in the Registration / Admission form.

2. No candidate will be allowed to attend classes pending formal enrolment.

3. Admission may be refused to a candidate who is too old for the class to which admission is sought.

4. Transfer Certificates / Study Certificates etc to existing students will be issued on request in writing at least one week in advance, provided the concerned students are not in arrears.

5. Compulsory Transfer Certificates may be issued by the Principal at his discretion for one or more of the following reasons.

a) Failing in the same class for two years.

b) Irregularity and frequent late attendance.

c) Lack of interest in studies. (Details and reminders will be noted by the concerned teachers in the School Handbook and Progress Report)

d) Malpractice during examinations or indiscipline.

e) Disregard for school authorities and regulations - viz: Constantly attending class in improper uniform. School fees in arrears.

f) Lack of parental co-operation.

Parents are requested to go through this Handbook cum Identity Card of their children at regular intervals.


- Promotions are decided on the basis of the pupil's performance throughout the year.

- In all matters of promotion or failure, the Principal decision will be final.

- A student who fails for two consecutive years in a class must leave.



1. All students are expected to attend classes - both Regular and Special without fail. If leave of absence is required for valid reasons, the Parent / Guardian must apply for the same in writing. Failing to do so entitles the student to disciplinary action

2. Parents are requested not to ask their children to come away from school during the Lunch break etc unless absolutely necessary.In such a case, prior permission from the Principal is essential. From June onwards all expected to have Lunch in school only.

3. Parents are advised to schedule family get together/ marriages/religious functions etc in such a way, preferably during the school vacations, so as to avoid the disruption of their children's academic career and the general discipline of the school.

4. All students are expected to be present on the re-opening day of school viz: June/September / October/January - after the vacations.

Late arrivals are liable to disciplinary action, at the discretion of the Principal and the gravity of the situation, which may be in the form of fines or the student may be asked to leave the school at the end of the academic year.

Similarly, students are not allowed to leave for the vacations earlier than the closing day. Leave of absence is never to be presumed. It is to be obtained from the Principal in writing

in advance.

5. On non-instructional days-ie : Independence Day/School Functions etc. the students are expected to be present in school unless otherwise stated. The spirit of patriotism to the nation and solidarity to the institution are a part of education and are qualities that are to be fostered.

6. After seven days of continuous absence without intimation, the absentee's name will be struck off the rolls. If re-admitted, the admission fee will have to be paid.

7. 90% Attendance is compulsory for promotion along with the required pass percentage. Promotion to the next higher class may be denied to a student if in the opinion of the Principal his attendance each month is found unsatisfactory.



• Pupils are responsible to the Authorities for their conduct both in and outside. School. Misbehavior on public streets and on any means of transport will be dealt with strictly.

No collection for any purpose may be made in the School without the prior permission of the Principal. Gifts to Staff members will not be accepted.

Pupils are encouraged to take tuitions only in School only. Private tuitions from outside the School is strictly forbidden.

Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the pupil's name and class. Any damage done to the property of the institution must be made good by the pupil concerned and a fine may also be levied for the same.

No books, periodicals, pictures or newspapers of an objectionable nature shall be brought to the School. It is the School Authorities who decide on the objectionable nature of the material.


1. The school has a well equipped Library cum Reading room which will be opened everyday for the benefit of the students. Magazines / Journals etc. may not be taken out of the room.

2. On receiving a book, the student must examine it at once and call the attention of the librarian to any damage found in it failing which, he will be responsible for any damage that may afterwards be detected, the liability restricted to replacement with another book/cost of replacement.

3. Students shall maintain a record of the books they have read in the pages provided herein. Non-compliance may lead to deduction of marks from their English Paper.

4. Library books will be issued on the production of the School Handbook.



1. There will be four Formative Assessment and two Semester Exam.(Summative Assessment) conducted in an academic year and the portion will be notified by the concerned teachers sufficiently in advance. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to elicit the same from their children.

2. Students who absent themselves from tests / examinations without sufficient reason and prior permission from the Principal will be considered as having failed. Re-examinations will not be conducted. Similarly, students detected in using unfair means in an examination hall are liable to be debarred from the rest of the examination and may be asked to leave the school at the end of the academic year.

3. Answer scripts are generally given to the students after evaluation for perusal by the parents and their signature in acknowledgement. Justifiable queries regarding the evaluation may be brought to the notice of the Principal only. The answer scripts are records. They need to be sent back to the class after affixing the signature from the parent.

4. Progress reports with the teachers remarks will be issued at the end of every test/examination. Remedial measures on the part of the parents based on the remarks will go a long way in enhancing the future performance of the students.

5. All promotions/detentions are decided by the Principal and the concerned teachers only, after careful consideration of all aspects of the students application and progress during the academic year. Consequently, requests for reversal of the decision will not be entertained.



Teacher's Prayer


Prayer - Pledge - News Reading - Thought for the Day - General Instructions.



School Captain Std. X

House Captains: Std. X

School Vice-Captain : Std. IX

House Vice-Captains Std. IX

Games Captains.

SOS Office Bearers.

Class Monitors.


All Sports and Games.

Quiz - Elocution - Singing - Dance - Painting etc.


Best Sports Students - Toppers in each class.

Toppers in ICSE

General Prizes for achievements in Class and House competitions.



1. Every pupil must attend class regularly, everyday. All studenta are expected to be in the school by 8.30 a.m. every working day.

2. All students are expected to be in school by 8-30 am every working day to avoid being late. Late comers may be dealt with in the following manner.

a) They may be sent away home at their own risk, or

b) They may be allowed into the campus and awarded some SUPW work at the discretion of the Principal.

3. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their behaviour, both inside and outside the school as the school is judged by their conduct.

4. Any damage done to the school property will be made good by the one who has done it.

5. Students are themselves responsible for their possessions in the premises. Articles of distraction / disturbance are not permitted in the campus including CELL PHONES which will be confiscated by the Principal and disciplinary action will be initiated against the student.

6. Day Scholars are strictly forbidden to make any kind of exchange for the boarders or to purchase anything for them, without the permission of the authorities. Similarly, boarders are not expected to request/demand any article including money from day scholars. Those violating this rule will be dismissed from the boarding.

Henceforth, Boarders who decide to leave the boarding in preference to being a day scholar will lose their seat in the school itself.

7. Every student must take part in the school games and other activities, unless declared unfit physically or exempted by the Principal.

8. This is an English Medium School. All students are therefore expected to speak English in the Campus.



1. The Principal will be available for consultation on all working days, between 9-30 am - 11:00 am.

2. Parents / Guardians may not contact students or teachers in the premises during working hours, without the permission of the Principal. Similarly, all complaints or suggestions may be directed to the Principal are to the school office and not to the teachers.

3. The school as a rule does not encourage Private Tuitions. In unavoidable circumstances, the permission of the Principal is necessary if Private Tuitions are to be arranged with the

teachers of the school.

4. In the general interests of all the students, parents are advised not to send their children to school if they are suffering from infectious or communicable diseases and the same may be intimated to the Principal.

5. Remarks from the school authorities and Progress reports are sent to the parents for information and action which are to be signed as an acknowledgement and promptly returned

to the teacher within the stipulated date.

6. Please ensure that your child obtains a ‘LUNCH PASS' if he is to go home for lunch.

7. The school greatly requires the co-operation of the parents from day to day Their constant interest in the progress of their children will be greatly appreciated.

8. The School Management reserves the right to add, alter or amend any of these rules for the welfare of the institution and the same shall be binding on the parents/guardians and pupils.

9. No school business will be transacted during holidays.


The Board of School Management reserves the right to make any alterations in the fees, having previously given notice in writing, at any time in the term immediately preceding that in which the revised fees comes into effect.

1. The fees should be paid in quarterly/ termly installments and not monthly.

2. A fine of Rs. 100/- will be levied for late payment, the amount of which will be intimated to the student.

3. If the fee payment is abnormally delayed, the fee defaulter's names will be struck off the rolls. If re-admitted, they will have to pay the admission fee and fine.

4. Receipts are issued after each payment which are to be preserved until the end of the academic year.

5. The School Fee will be collected on all working days between 9-00 am to 3-30 pm only.




1) Be diligent and punctual to class.

2) Attend class in the prescribed uniform.

3) Wear clean, neat and decent clothes and shoes.

4) Keep your nails trimmed, hair combed and teeth clean.

5) Do your home-work daily

6) Obey your parents, elders and teachers.

7) Leave the school only after the last bell or with the permission of the Principal.

8) Be friendly to everyone.

9) Cultivate pleasant personal manners and good office manners.

10) Bring this Diary to school everyday


1) Don't be late to school.

2) Don't leave the Campus without permission.

3) Don't be absent unnecessarily

4) Don't tell lies or use abusive language.

5) Don't break the rule of language.

6) Don't spoil the school furniture, walls etc of the school.

7) Don't make a noise in the class.

8) Don't run about in the school campus.

9) Don't take others property without permission.

10) Don't bring cell phones to school.



1. English only: Since language is a matter of habit and practice. All the students are expected to use only English as the medium of communication in the school campus. Defaulters will be seriously dealt with .

2. Observance of Silence: The class rooms are reserved for study and must not be utilized for the purpose of recreation.

3. Cleanliness : Pupils are forbidden to spill ink on the walls or on any part of the school building or furniture. Waste paper must be deposited in the waste- pins provided in the building.

4. Work is worship: There is no substitute for hard work to achieve success. "By the sweet of your brow you shall eat your food”. “Those who do not work let him not eat.” Says the Bible. The students work is to study and be punctual.

a. Be prompt: Do not postpone thing. Tomorrow may never come. Be prompt in doing all your work.

b. Be Regular: pupils must be up-to-date in their work. Pupils who fail to

show interest and progress in their studies will be seriously dealt with.

5. Respect your parents : A man's glory comes from honouring his/her Father/Mother and it is a disgrace for children not to obey their parents.

6. Respect towards Teachers:

a) pupils shall greet the teachers of the school when they meet them in the class as well as when they first meet them in the school premises.

b) Pupils are strictly forbidden to enter the staff room without permission or deal irrespectfully towards teachers.

7. Be good and do good : Do all the good you can, By all means you can, In all the ways you can , In all the places you can, At all the times you can; As long as ever you can, Never be tired of doing what is good.

8. Have Faith : Believe in the power of Almighty, creator and reserver of life. Have faith in yourself and others. Faith can move those mountains created by Doubts, pessimism, nikilism and ognosticism.

9. Respect the school and it's property:Any damage done to the school will be mode good by the one who has done it.

10. Pupils must always uphold the honour of their school and should be have and speak accordingly.