St. Francis De Sales' (S.F.S.) - (1567 -1622)


Born in the Chateau de Sales, Thorens, Savoy on Aug. 21; 1567

Ordination 1593
Missionary in Chablais 1594 - 98
Co-adjutor to the Bishop of Geneva 1599.
Bishop of Geneva 1602
Introduction to devout Life' (1609)
*Love of God'(1616)
Dies at Lyons, Dec. 28th 1622.
Declared blessed by Alexander VII Dec, 28th, 1661
Canonized Saint-Alexander VII April 19th, 1665.
Doctor of the Church - Plus IX July 7th, 1877.


St. Francis de Sales


I am nothing if not a man', St. Francis de Sales once wrote and these words best sum up the life of one of the greatest saints.


Francis was born on 21st August, 1567 in the castle of Sales. Being the eldest son, and heir to the vast estates he was given the best education at Paris and Padua, the then centres of higher learning. When he came out in flying colours from these centres of higher learning, his father wanted him to join the civil service but he refused. He had only one ambition; to become a Priest and he was determined about it. His father gave up his demands and Fancis was ordained a Priest at the age of 27 and opted to be a missionary. In 1602, he was made the Bishop of Geneva. He was an eloquent speaker. He took great delight in preaching the Gospel of Jesus. He was the spiritual advisor to the kings and queens in Europe. (Raja Maharshi)


Francis De Sales is the Patron Saint of Writers and journalists. He has a very high place in the French literary circle. His great work, "Introduction to Devout Life" was an immediate best seller and has remained so till now. His work on mysticism, “The Treaties on the love of God” is a spiritual classic. Pope Pius IX declared him a Doctor of the Church and he is also called the Doctor Devotion'.


“Gentleman Saint as he is best known, Francis has a charm of his own. He diffused that Salesian charity everywhere. “One can catch more files with a spoonful of honey than with a barrel of vinegar” is one of his famous sayings Although he is not the founder, he is the Patron of many religious congregations of men and women. His spirit still lives on and his life influences millions of men and women who are 'sent for service'.